Eton, Dorney 2024

Infinity had a great time at National Schools Regatta, with our J14 8x+ Octuples both qualifying for the finals. The boys winning their final leading from the first stroke, averaging an amazing 40 stokes per minute over the 1000m race. The girls placed well in their final, beating several schools in a determined race.

For a club so young going out and racing against the top schools and clubs in the UK, this was an excellent performance.

Friday 24 May 2024

no.crew strokeeventracelanetimepos.
INF149Infinity Boat Club CJ14 1st 8x+ (Girls)Time Trial04:09.0321st
Willow Bulmer
INF170Infinity Boat Club AJ14 1st 8x+ (Open)Time Trial03:35.9517th
Isaac Jones
INFInfinity Boat Club CJ14 1st 8x+ (Girls)Final D[3]04:10.363rd
Willow Bulmer
INFInfinity Boat Club AJ14 1st 8x+ (Open)Final C[7]03:29.151st
Isaac Jones

The National Schools’ Regatta is the UK’s premiere rowing event for junior rowers and attracts over 5,000 competitors aged 14 to 18 years. NSR is one of the UK’s biggest junior sports events.